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A platform technology that has applications for a range of cognitive and psychiatric disorders

A company in ontario, Canada is specializes in non‐invasive neurosurgery technology to treat common cognitive and psychiatric disorders. The company has developed an innovative new repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) therapy unit. This unit contains a patent-pending semiconductor switch that discharges a novel magnetic pulse which mitigates the confounding physiological effects of conventional pulses and improves therapeutic physiological effects. The stimulator that emits the pulse is guided by an automated robotic arm, which for the first time personalizes treatment for each patient according to brain scans. These scans improve accuracy and allow for repeatability. The semiconductor switch extends instrumentation lifespan significantly, allowing an increased number of pulses to be emitted per session and over the unit's lifetime, which ultimately reduces costs per patient.

Clinical Applications: The company’s technology is a platform technology that has applications for a range of cognitive and psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, autism, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. The technology is of interest to people who are unsatisfied with pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, but unwilling to try inpatient treatments, such as electroconvulsive therapy and implants, and endure hospitalization. It is of special interest in treatment-refractory, acute, and other specific cases. The company is establishing its technology as a partner for pharmacotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy to complement and enhance both types of treatment.
临床应用: 该公司的科技是一个平台技术, 有一系列的认知和精神障碍疾病的应用, 包括抑郁,焦虑,创伤后应激障碍、注意力缺陷多动障碍、强迫症、精神分裂症、孤独症、多发性硬化症、阿尔茨海默病和帕金森症。病人对心理和药物治疗效果不满意, 但不愿尝试住院治疗并入院,如电休克疗法和植入物,对该新技术可能感兴趣。该技术对治疗顽固的,急性的和其他特殊情况的患者有特效。该公司认为该技术可用于药物疗法和电休克疗法的协同治疗,以补充和加强其治疗效果。
Detailed Technology Description
Stage: Pre commercial - Since securing funds for first installation and pilot trials earlier this year, the company has been running multi-site clinical trials, which will help gain regulatory approval in Canada and abroad. The company plans to begin introducing its innovations in hospitals and clinics in 2015. Currently the company has extensive patents however is interested in seeking Chinese manufacturing opportunities and funding.
阶段: 商业前。今年初, 得到首笔资金进行首批安装和生产性实验, 该公司已经在多地进行临床试验,将有助于获得加拿大和在国外的监管部门的批准。该公司计划从2015年开始, 向医院和诊所推广其创新技术。目前该公司拥有广泛的专利, 并且有意寻求中国的生产机会和资金。
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