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Screening tool for HPV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea by self-collect samples

The company is an early stage medical device company focused on designing innovative, user- centered medical products aimed at the specific healthcare needs of women. It’s currently developing a method that allows women to comfortably and reliably self-collect samples to screen for HPV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Many women do not screen regularly for these infections, which can lead to cervical cancer and infertility. The goal of this technology is to reduce the barriers that prevent women from screening by promoting an opportunity for physical and emotional access to convenient testing. By engaging women in their own health, and by creating meaningful partnerships with healthcare providers, the company aims to improve cervical screening among women.
公司是一个早期的医疗器械企业,业务主要为满足女性健康保护的创新型,以客户为中心的医疗产品。目前研发了一个可靠,舒适的女性自采集样品的新方法来筛查人类乳突病毒,衣原体和淋病。许多女性不对这些感染进行检测,而这可能导致子宫颈癌症和不育。此项技术的目标是提供生理和情绪上更容易接受的简便检测的机会来降低女性进行感染检测的门槛。公司致力于提高女性对自身健康的关注,同医疗健康服务提供商建立合作关系来提高女性的子宫颈筛查。Clinical Applications: Screening tool for HPV, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
临床应用: 人类乳突病毒,衣原体和淋病的筛查工具
Detailed Technology Description
Stage: Commercial product manufactured in China. They are seeking customers and growth capital.
阶段: 在中国进行生产的已商业化的产品,寻求客户和增长资本
Type of Cooperation
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