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Wearable Power Assistive Device for Helping a User to Move Their Hand

A rehabilitation system (10) for training hand movement of a user, the system comprising: a platform (24) to be attached to the hand of the user; a plurality of finger assemblies (71) operatively connected to the platform (24), each finger assembly (71) having: a motor (12), a proximal follower assembly (13) for a metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint having a proximal rail guide (14) operatively connected to the motor (12), and an intermediate follower assembly (16) for a proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint having an intermediate rail guide (17) operatively connected to the proximal follower assembly (13); ; wherein a knuckle joint indicator (22) of the proximal rail guide (14) corresponds to a first virtual center (30) and knuckle joint indicator (25) of the intermediate rail guide (17) corresponds to a second virtual center (31), the alignment of the knuckle joint indicators (22, 25) to the virtual centers (30, 31) enable motion of the finger to be controlled and maintain rotational axes of the finger about each virtual center (30, 31) when the proximal and intermediate follower assemblies (13, 16) are actuated by the motor (12).
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US8574178B2
Application Number: US2009472295A
Inventor: Tong, Kai Yu | Pang, Peter Man Kit | Chen, Mo | Ho, Sze Kit | Zhou, Hongfu | Chan, David Tai Wai
Priority Date: 26 May 2009
Priority Number: US8574178B2
Application Date: 26 May 2009
Publication Date: 5 Nov 2013
IPC Current: A61H000102
US Class: 601040 | 601005
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Wearable power assistive device for helping a user to move their hand
Usefulness: Wearable power assistive device for helping a user to move their hand
Summary: Recovering system for training a user to move hands.
Novelty: Recovering system for training user to move hands, has knuckles indicators aligned to virtual centers so that movement of fingers is controlled, where rotation axis of fingers is kept around virtual center
Sub Category
Application No.
HO Sze Kit
CHAN Tai Wai David
ZHOU Hongfu
PANG Man Kit Peter

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