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Method and Apparatus for Measuring Oscillation Amplitude of an Ultrasonic Device

An apparatus and method for detecting the oscillation amplitude of a bonding tool includes a sensing unit disposed adjacent to and at a distance from the bonding tool. The sensing unit includes a pair of electrodes, a piezoelectric sensing layer located between the pair of electrodes, and a membrane associated with the piezoelectric sensing layer. The piezoelectric sensing layer becomes sensitive to ultrasonic vibrations and generates electrical voltage signals after being activated by a poling process. An optional pre-amplifier is used to amplify the signals generated from the sensing unit, and an oscilloscope is used to further process the signals.
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US7819013B2
Application Number: US2006481205A
Inventor: Chan, Helen Lai Wa | Lam, Tin Yan | Chao, Chen | Kwok, Kin Wing
Priority Date: 5 Jul 2006
Priority Number: US7819013B2
Application Date: 5 Jul 2006
Publication Date: 26 Oct 2010
IPC Current: B23K000106 | B23K002010
US Class: 073658 | 2280011 | 2281101
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Method and apparatus for measuring oscillation amplitude of an ultrasonic device
Usefulness: Method and apparatus for measuring oscillation amplitude of an ultrasonic device
Summary: Piezoelectric sensor for detecting an oscillation amplitude of a oscillating part of an ultrasonic device.
Novelty: Piezoelectric sensor for detecting oscillation amplitude of oscillating part of ultrasonic device, comprises two electrodes, and piezoelectric sensing layer sensitive to ultrasonic vibrations located between two electrodes
Sub Category
Medical Imaging
Application No.
CHAN WONG Lai-wah Helen
KWOK Kin-wing
LAM Tin-yan

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