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Methods for Coating Conducting Polymer

Polypyrrole (PPy) is one of the most commonly studied conducting polymers due to its good stability, high conductivity, ease of preparation and non-toxicity. The stability of the conductivity of polypyrrole films depends on the choice of dopant anion, the method of preparation, and the conditions of aging. Most of the existing methods only improve stability by sacrificing conductivity, as well as sensitivity. This invention provides a method for coating conducting polymer onto a substrate by first applying an anionic dopant and an oxidizing agent onto the substrate. The monomer is then allowed to form the conducting polymer at about −10 to −80° C. for a sufficient period of time. After storage for a long period of time (nearly a year), the conductive polymer coating still retains almost the same strain sensitivity and at least up to 85% of its initial conductivity.
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US7510745B2
Application Number: US2005222179A
Inventor: Tao, Xiao-ming | Leung, Mei-yi | Li, Yang | Cheng, Xiao-yin | Tsang, Joanna | Yuen, Chun-wah Marcus
Priority Date: 9 Sep 2005
Priority Number: US7510745B2
Application Date: 9 Sep 2005
Publication Date: 31 Mar 2009
IPC Current: B05D000512 | B05D000102 | B05D000126 | B05D000128 | B05D000136 | B05D000300
US Class: 4274071 | 427350 | 4273981 | 427412 | 4274211 | 4274274 | 42742801
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Methods for coating conducting polymer
Usefulness: Methods for coating conducting polymer
Summary: For coating polypyrrole onto substrate, e.g. elastic fabric, useful as strain fabric sensor.
Novelty: Coating polypyrrole onto substrate for use as strain fabric sensor, by applying anionic dopant and oxidizing agent onto substrate, coating substrate with pyrrole and allowing pyrrole to form conducting polymer, and removing residues
Sub Category
Chemical/Material Application
Application No.
TAO Xiao-ming
LEUNG Mei-yi, Sarah
LI Yang
CHENG Xiao-yin
TSANG Joanna

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