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A quality control marker and its use in herbs authentication

The present invention relates to a quality control marker and method of using such marker in qualitative and quantitative authentication of herbal materials, in particular but not limited to Dendrobium species. More particularly, the present invention relates to a chemical marker and its use in quick, efficient and low-cost authentication of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo, which is well-known as an expensive Chinese medicine under the name of Tiepi Shihu (鉄皮石斛).
Technology Benefits
A quick, efficient and low-cost authentication of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo
Technology Application
For qualitative and quantitative authentication of herbal materials
Detailed Technology Description
The method for authenticating a sample of carbohydrates-containing herbal material comprises providing a chemical fingerprint of the carbohydrates in the sample based on molecular weight distribution; identifying one or more dominant polysaccharide components of the carbohydrates in the sample; separating the one or more dominant polysaccharide components; and developing a chemical marker to authenticate the herbal material.
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US8999719B2
Application Number: US13940944A
Inventor: Han, Quanbin | Chen, Hubiao | Xu, Jun
Priority Date: 12 Jul 2013
Priority Number: US8999719B2
Application Date: 12 Jul 2013
Publication Date: 7 Apr 2015
IPC Current: G01N003300
US Class: 436094 | 436161 | 436177
Assignee Applicant: Hong Kong Baptist University
Title: Quality control marker and its use in herbs authentication
Usefulness: Quality control marker and its use in herbs authentication
Summary: The method is useful for authenticating sample of carbohydrates-containing herbal material, preferably Dendrobium officinale (claimed) which is used as quality control marker.
Novelty: Authenticating sample of carbohydrates-containing herbal material, preferably Dendrobium officinale involves providing fingerprint of carbohydrates, separating polysaccharide, and authenticating herbal material using marker
Application Date
Application No.
US 13/940,944
ID No.
Hong Kong

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