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Tangshan Tangshan

Han Wei's husband, coalminer Liu Zi Gang, died protecting her during a 7.8 Richter Scale earthquake that killed 240,000 in Tangshan, China, on July 28, 1976.

His buddy, Ding Yi, who took the night shift for him on that day so that he could take care of his pregnant wife, remained alive under coalmine. Knowing Liu’s death, Ding decided to remain single and take care of Han and her child.

Thirty years passed. Ding Yi had been taking care of Han and Xiao Yu throughout all these years. They are just like family but Han and Ding still remain single because it seems to Ding that no man could replace Liu in Han’s heart. When Xiao Yu finally convinced Han to marry Ding, he refuses…
Director: Kevin Chu
Cast: Ma Su / Hou Xiang Ling
Genre: Drama
Hong Kong

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