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Non-Invasive Methods For Detecting Non-Host Dna In A Host Using Epigenetic Differences Between The Host And Non-Host Dna

本项目突破了多项关键技术,并已形成原型系统,于2011 年12 月以优秀的成绩通过了国防科工局项目验收,软件安装包、使用文档齐全,具备了在行业内进行应用推广的条件。在本项目基础上,以航天系统型号复杂产品设计为应用背景,构建了多个虚拟试验应用系统,完成了虚拟试验“模型、数据、过程”的管理和驱动,初步实现了虚拟试验数据和实物试验数据的有机结合。本项目在航天一院12 所、15所、702 所以及六院101所等单位得到应用,得到了航天系统内多家单位的认可。相关技术成果获国防科技进步三等奖一项、国家科技进步二等奖一项。潜在受让方为航空、航天等复杂产品研发单位的先进制造领域应用。
1、一种虚拟试验数据对象化管理系统 ZL201010240156.9
2、一种实物设备与数学模型联合试验系统及方法 ZL201110268323.5
3、一种基于HLA的通用分布式视景仿真系统及实现方法 ZL200910078265.2
4、用于集成优化软件的通用接口系统 ZL200910243286.5
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US6927028B2
Application Number: US2001944951A
Inventor: Dennis, Lo Yuk Ming | Man, Poon Lit
Priority Date: 31 Aug 2001
Priority Number: US6927028B2
Application Date: 31 Aug 2001
Publication Date: 9 Aug 2005
IPC Current: G01N003350 | C12N001509 | C12Q000168
US Class: 43500611 | 435006 | 435004 | 4350911 | 4350912 | 5360231 | 5360243
Assignee Applicant: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title: Non-invasive methods for detecting non-host DNA in a host using epigenetic differences between the host and non-host DNA
Usefulness: Non-invasive methods for detecting non-host DNA in a host using epigenetic differences between the host and non-host DNA
Summary: The method is useful in detecting DNA originating from different individuals, such as in differentiating or detecting fetal DNA in a maternal sample or differentiating DNA of an organ donor from that of an organ recipient. The method may be used in detecting genetic abnormalities in a fetus.
Novelty: Differentiating DNA species originating from different individuals in a biological sample, useful for detecting genetic abnormalities in a fetus, comprises determining epigenetic differences between these DNA species
Sub Category
DNA/Gene Engineering
Application No.
1. 一种虚拟试验数据对象化管理系统 ZL201010240156.9
2. 一种实物设备与数学模型联合试验系统及方法 ZL201110268323.5
3. 一种基于HLA的通用分布式视景仿真系统及实现方法 ZL200910078265.2
4. 用于集成优化软件的通用接口系统 ZL200910243286.5
Hong Kong

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