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Behavioral-signature based P2P Traffic Classification

Traffic classification problem especially identifying Peer-to-Peer applications from mixed traffic trace is a hot topic in the research area and attracts a lot of focuses. However it is still a big challenge. The present invention provides a novel method of identifying Peer-to-Peer applications from mixed traffic trace accurately. It is a behavioral-signature based method and can not only identifying Peer-to-Peer applications, but specific P2P software such as Bit-torrent, Bit-comet (P2P content distribution applications), and PPLive, PPStream (P2P streaming applications) as well. The novel method can address the problem with no access to any packet payloads. Only packet header information including time stamp, source IP address and port number, destination IP address and port number and transport layer protocol is required. In addition, the method does not use any well-known port numbers solving the classification problem.
Application No.
Inventor(s): Professor Dah Ming CHIU, Department of Information Engineering

Patent Status: US Patent Pending

Hong Kong

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