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Optimal Denoising for Video Coding用于视频编码的最优去噪声方法

The importance of video technology is constantly growing with the ever-increasing use of television and video systems in consumer, commercial, medical and scientific applications. Video coding performance is becoming more and more important but the presence of noise, usually introduced by capture device, will reduce temporal redundancy among consecutive frames. This can decrease the accuracy of the motion vectors obtained in motion estimation. As a result, a lot of denoising methods have been previously proposed, such as 2-D Kalman filter, and Spatial Varying Filter (SVF). However, these filters are designed as pure pre-processing schemes independent of video coding process and are to be cascaded with the encoders. Thus, they require extra computation on top of the video encoder.

The present invention proposes a new purely pre-processing denoising method named Multi-Hypothesis Motion Compensated Filter (MHMCF) which requires much fewer pixels as input and some linear operation than most existing denoising filters to achieve the same or better performance. The method is based on the temporal linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimator. Another denoising method is also proposed which is named as Embedded Optimal Denoising Filter (EODF). This filter can be seamlessly embedded into motion compensation process of video encoders with nearly no extra computation introduced. As a result, the video can be highly compressed with good quality with the use of these 2 filters.
Technology Benefits
1. Video noise reduced
2. Negligible computational effort introduced
3. Pure pre-processing schemes
Technology Application
- Digital signal compression, coding and representation
- Related computer program product
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US8369417B2
Application Number: US2007750498A
Inventor: Au, Oscar Chi Lim | Guo, Liwei
Priority Date: 19 May 2006
Priority Number: US8369417B2
Application Date: 18 May 2007
Publication Date: 5 Feb 2013
IPC Current: H03C000152 | H04N001104
US Class: 37524027 | 37524016 | 3752402 | 37524021 | 37524022 | 37524024 | 37524029 | 380200
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Optimal denoising for video coding
Usefulness: Optimal denoising for video coding
Summary: Used for denoising a video coding in a video coding system (claimed) e.g. TV, in consumer application, commercial application, medical application and scientific application.
Novelty: Video coding denoising method for use in e.g. TV, involves performing linear combination with weight that is determined adaptively on one set of pixels in current block and corresponding pixel in reference block
Sub Category
Image Processing
Application Date
18 May 2007
Application No.
US 11/750498
Patent Information
US 8369417
ID No.
Hong Kong

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