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An Inexpensive Functional Finger Prosthesis with Rebounded Type Progressive Hinge Lock

Finger prosthesis with a “rebounded type progressive hinge lock” was developed. The “progressive hinge lock” consists of the mechanism that allows passive bending of the prosthesis easily with the assistance of some external force in one direction, simulating the flexion of the inter ‐phalangeal joint. The hinge can be locked at intervals of every 15 degrees against the opposite force to simulate the prohibition of extension and therefore the thumb opposition ability. The hinge lock would be unlocked at the end phrase of “flexion”. A ring like detachable structure will be designed to attach the prosthesis to the remaining finger to minimize the complications and therefore better control the cost. Hard components will also be added to the posterior side of the finger to reproduce nails for picking fine objects and silicone will be used at the anterior side of the finger tip in order to increase friction to facilitate gripping as it would slightly deform to increase the contact area. The device allows user to regain flexion and extension movement of finger. This inexpensive artificial finger is affordable to most people, especially those factory workers losing their fingers due to occupational injuries.

X-finger”, the world’s first active-function artificial finger, has been invented for patients to regain the finger function. Such device allows users to perform flexion and extension actively, however, the device is expensive. Therefore, it is often not affordable to most people, especially those low-income factory workers who lost their fingers due to occupational accidents. The adavntage of the invention is it is inexpensive while provides passive flexion adjustment.

Application No.
Inventor(s): Professor FONG Tik Pui Daniel et al. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Licensing Status: Available

Hong Kong

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