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Integrated LTCC mm-wave Planar Array Antenna with Low Loss Feeding Network

A novel configuration of mm-wave planar array antenna based on multilayer laminated technology is proposed. The configuration exploits the 3D integration feature of multilayer technologies by incorporating a mixed feeding network configuration. Namely, the main trunk of the feeding network is laid by integrated laminated waveguide and the end sections of the feeding network that connect the antenna elements to the network are constructured by microstrip lines or strip lines. The laminated waveguide and the strip lines are connected through a transition. Such a mixed feeding network can significantly reduct the loss occurred down the feeding network.
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US7446710B2
Application Number: US2006384179A
Inventor: Wu, Ke-Li | Huang, Yong
Priority Date: 17 Mar 2005
Priority Number: US7446710B2
Application Date: 16 Mar 2006
Publication Date: 4 Nov 2008
IPC Current: H01Q000138
US Class: 343700MS | 343853
Assignee Applicant: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title: Integrated LTCC mm-wave planar array antenna with low loss feeding network
Usefulness: Integrated LTCC mm-wave planar array antenna with low loss feeding network
Summary: Used for a commercial millimeter-wave application e.g. collision avoidance radar and local multi-points distribution system (LMDS).
Novelty: Integrated millimeter-wave planar array antenna for e.g. collision avoidance radar, has radiating units, where separation distance between radiation edges and conductor walls is approximate to extension length of fringe field
Sub Category
Application No.
Inventor(s): Professor Ke Li WU, Department of Electronic Engineering

Patent Status: US Patent Pending

Licensing Status: Available for licensing

Hong Kong

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