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Packet Scheduling System

A significant problem in data networks is that of congestion control, especially at switching nodes which receive incoming data packets from a number of channels, determine the next destination of these incoming packets, and send them to their destinations. Fair Queuing (FQ) is therefore needed to provide QoS guarantee among different traffic streams while sharing the network resources efficiently and fairly. However, one of the major drawbacks of past implementation of FQ is the implementation complexity. Although a number of variants have been proposed to simplify the implementation, these schemes still require individual time-stamps attached to each packet, which makes the implementation still very complex.

The invention relates to a packet scheduling system and in particular to a scheduling system suitable for use in a packet switched network for providing high-speed data transmission. By using simple counters in each traffic stream, each arriving packet in a channel is provided with a virtual time tag. The packets are then sorted in a queue based upon the time tag. The smaller the time tag, the higher is the priority given to the packet, and the packet at the head of the queue is then transmitted to a first-in-first-out (FIFO) server for onward transmission to a high-speed transmission link. Such a system is very good at providing fairness between different traffic stream.
Technology Benefits
1. Simple and practical implementation
2. No individual time-stamps are required for each packet
3. Scheduling decision is made according to the counter values
Technology Application
- Internet connections
- ATM environments
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US6047000A
Application Number: US1997899757A
Inventor: Tsang, Danny Hin Kwok | Bensaou, Brahim | Chan, King Tung
Priority Date: 24 Jul 1997
Priority Number: US6047000A
Application Date: 24 Jul 1997
Publication Date: 4 Apr 2000
IPC Current: H04L001256 | H04Q001104
US Class: 370412 | 370235 | 370468
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Packet scheduling system
Usefulness: Packet scheduling system
Summary: For packet switched network such as IP, ATM to provide high speed data transmission.
Novelty: Packet scheduling system for use in packet switched network, transmits streams having packets waiting to be transmitted and unable to transmit based on allocated credit values
Sub Category
Application Date
24 Jul 1997
Application No.
US 08/899757
Patent Information
US 6047000
ID No.
Hong Kong

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