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Path Selection in Streaming Video Over Multi-Overlay Application Layer Multicast

Application-layer multicast (ALM) has grown tremendously in recent years, making the distribution of bulk data such as streaming video economically feasible for small companies and even individuals. The efficiency of an ALM network depends on its data distribution overlay, which is constructed based on metrics such as round-trip time (RTT) measurement between peers. However Internet measurement experiments revealed that RTT is far from an accurate estimator of bandwidth availability and as such, may lead to sub-optimal performance in the constructed ALM overlays. This invention tackles this problem by developing a new in-band bandwidth probing tool which can estimate achievable bandwidth, i.e., the data throughput that can be realized between two peers over the transport protocol employed (e.g., TCP).
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US9185024B2
Application Number: US13037735A
Inventor: Lin, Yangyang | Lee, Yiu Bun
Priority Date: 8 Mar 2010
Priority Number: US9185024B2
Application Date: 1 Mar 2011
Publication Date: 10 Nov 2015
IPC Current: H04L0012729 | H04L001218 | H04L001226 | H04L0012803 | H04L002906 | H04L002908
Assignee Applicant: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title: Path selection in streaming video over multi-overlay application layer multicast
Usefulness: Path selection in streaming video over multi-overlay application layer multicast
Novelty: Method for selecting paths for video data between source and destination peer nodes in multicast data communication system, involves determining preferred path to divert fraction of data traffic from congested path into specific path
Sub Category
Application No.
Inventor(s): Professor Jack Lee, Department of Information Engineering

Patent Status: US Patent Pending

Licensing Status: Available for licensing

Hong Kong

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