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Identification of C3 complement molecule at the site of injury to blood vessels in the retina of oxygen exposed newborn mice

John T. Flynn, M.D.
Technology Benefits
This is an alternative treatment for ROP. Current treatments are invasive surgeries on the eye, with no information on the long-term effects. Patent information:Patent Pending (WO/2012/118833)
Technology Application
Method for treating, preventing, or reducing oxygen damage in ROPNew Information regarding the underlying cause of ROP will lead to:Better treatment protocols at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) to prevent ROPIdentification of additional risk factor(s)Development of drug therapy
Detailed Technology Description
John T. Flynn, M.D.
Ron KatzColumbia Technology VenturesTel: (212) 854-8444Email:
*Principal Investigator
M.F. Chiang, R. Gelman, M.E. Martinez-Perez, Y.E. Du, D.S.Casper, L.M. Currie, P.D. Shah, J. Starren, J.T. Flynn. Image analysis for retinopathy of prematurity diagnosis. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Opthalmology and Strabismus, Vol 13, Issue 5, Oct. 2009, pp. 438-445.

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