Identification of C3 complement molecule at the site of injury to blood vessels in the retina of oxygen exposed newborn mice
- 總結
- John T. Flynn, M.D.
- 技術優勢
- This is an alternative treatment for ROP. Current treatments are invasive surgeries on the eye, with no information on the long-term effects. Patent information:Patent Pending (WO/2012/118833)
- 技術應用
- Method for treating, preventing, or reducing oxygen damage in ROPNew Information regarding the underlying cause of ROP will lead to:Better treatment protocols at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) to prevent ROPIdentification of additional risk factor(s)Development of drug therapy
- 詳細技術說明
- John T. Flynn, M.D.
- *Abstract
- *Inquiry
- Ron KatzColumbia Technology VenturesTel: (212) 854-8444Email:
- *IR
- 2703
- *Principal Investigation
- *Publications
- M.F. Chiang, R. Gelman, M.E. Martinez-Perez, Y.E. Du, D.S.Casper, L.M. Currie, P.D. Shah, J. Starren, J.T. Flynn. Image analysis for retinopathy of prematurity diagnosis. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Opthalmology and Strabismus, Vol 13, Issue 5, Oct. 2009, pp. 438-445.
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