AsiaIPEX is a one-stop-shop for players in the IP industry, facilitating IP trade and connection to the IP world. Whether you are a patent owner interested in selling your IP, or a manufacturer looking to buy technologies to upgrade your operation, you will find the portal a useful resource.


各位,你们是要停留在有罪的教会里,背对着主的劝告呢?还是在给你解决罪的教会里,跟从主的话语呢?如果你们被捆绑在人情里或环境里,不能站在神的旨意里,那么,居住在各位里面的圣灵,会对你们不方便,你会过着肉体奴仆的生活的。作者/Author: 李汉圭出版社/Publisher: GOOD NEWS HONG KONG CHURCH LIMITED
Hong Kong

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