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The invention relates to an improved method for storing hydrogen in single-walled carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes are dipped in hydrogen gas for absorption. The size of carbon nanotubes to be used depends on the density of hydrogen molecules, and generally, nanotubes of diameters from 0.5 to 1.2 ..... [更多]
One of the main reasons for failure in cancer chemotherapy is the selective growth of drug resistant cells during treatment. Agents that are non-toxic and can reverse this drug resistance is of great value to cancer chemotherapy. Rhizoma Alismatis, its extracts and fractions or chemicals isolated fr..... [更多]
RFID has the potential to change the world. It has been identified by the Innovation and Technology Commission of Hong Kong as one of the key technologies that companies in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta should leverage, so as to maintain Hong Kong’s leading position in logistics and supply chain.T..... [更多]
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