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This product is to prevent frail patient from falling while attempting to stand up (on their own) from their bed. Sensors are used to detect the motion of the elderly and an alert is sent to the nurse who will proceed to assist the elderly to come down safely from their bed. [更多]
This software engine and appliance allows filtering of data content in wire speed of up to 100Gbps with distributed design. Data content can be input into the system and when there is a match, the system will direct the related data traffic to any or all 8 x 1Gbps ports accordingly, based on the use..... [更多]
Patients who have diabetes mellitus may require insulin therapy during the course of their stay in the hospital. Insulin has a narrow therapeutic range requiring precise dose adjustments with careful administration and monitoring. Errors can lead to adverse consequences for patients, such as prolong..... [更多]
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