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Beauty and action hot enough to hurtBao co-founds a boxing gym with her intimate friend TT. But their friendship is broken over a boyfriend. Bao invites Miu to be the real precedent of “Girl Boxing Company”. They intend to attract male customers with their beauty. TT with grudge comes back and makes..... [更多]
重案組「破案之神」莊士敦 (劉德華飾) 四年前意外失明,離職後以偵查懸賞舊案拿花紅為生。他耗時九個月鎖定「旺角腐蝕性液體傷害案」嫌疑犯,豈料行動中身陷險境,幸得身手了得的女警何家彤 (鄭秀文飾) 及時相救,成功脫險。彤對莊出神入化的查案手法一見難忘,二人開始合作查案,彤更拜託莊為她尋找已失蹤十多年的學妹小敏。莊運用奇特的「瞎想」,找出兩名嫌疑犯,其中一人是當年彤的鄰居祖,懷疑他為情殺害了小敏;另一人是懷疑與十多年前多宗女性失蹤案有關的連環殺手。線索一一浮現,然而就在莊與彤全力追查之際,案情急轉直下,使二人身陷絕境,真相更是出乎意料… [更多]
In high school, Chang-Sik bullied Jun-Suk relentlessly and this even causes Jun-Suk’s girlfriend to commit suicide. After 15 years, one day, the two with this history bump into each other. Chang-Sik is getting ready for his wedding while working for a conglomerate. On the other hand, Jun-Suk is work..... [更多]
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