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When one of China's most famous landscape paintings, which was split in two some 300 years ago and have been on display in China and Taiwan respectively, is about to be publicly exhibited in its combined entirety, thieves and gangsters scramble to steal it against all odds. [更多]
香港首部3D救火電影《逃出生天3D》,由彭氏兄弟聯手執導,劉青雲、古天樂、李心潔主演。故事講述一對消防兄弟因一場火災而關係決裂,但三年後再因一場大火災,令二人再次碰頭,在這危急存亡時刻,兩兄弟聯手率領眾人逃出生天。電影除了三大影帝影后,更匯聚了中、港、馬、泰、美等演員的精彩演出。片中有不少爆炸場面,導演更要求用真火拍攝,再加上3D特效,畫面逼真震撼,絕對令觀眾有置身現場的感覺。 [更多]
Perth (March Chutavuth) is the school’s swimming athlete who has Tan (Tor Thanapob) as both his best friend and longtime rival. As they fall for the same girl, Ice (Kao Supassara), Perth and Tan both try hard to win her over. However, during their audition practice, something frightening happens to ..... [更多]
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