AsiaIPEX is a one-stop-shop for players in the IP industry, facilitating IP trade and connection to the IP world. Whether you are a patent owner interested in selling your IP, or a manufacturer looking to buy technologies to upgrade your operation, you will find the portal a useful resource.


警隊精英呂明哲 (劉德華 飾) 為逮捕犯罪團夥頭目曹楠 (胡軍 飾) 處心積慮且不擇手段,幾欲到手之際竟被兒時好友、慣犯陶成邦 (林家棟 飾) 攪局。陶為贏回對其品行徹底失望的女友燕冰 (姚晨 飾),求呂為其過往捏造臥底身份,並助其破案,最後甚至不惜出賣同夥。風暴過後,二人卻驚覺更陷渾沌…
上映日期: 2013 年 12 月
導演: 袁錦麟
主要演員: 劉德華,林家棟,姚晨, 胡軍
Hong Kong

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