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Epitope identification and modification for reduced allergenic activity in proteins targeted for transgenic expression


Disclosed is a method for identification of key amino acids in plant proteins critical in generating allergenic activity through mapping the epitope(s) harboring human IgE binding activity. The identified epitope(s) are then modified by amino acid substitution preferably by alanine substitution, for reduced or negative IgE-binding activity. A plant gene expression system comprises the DNA constructs placed operably under the control of a promoter sequence that confer seed-specific expression is also disclosed for the expression of the modified proteins. To demonstrate this invention, the Brazil nut 2S sulfur-rich protein was used as an example. The invention is particularly useful for the production of dietary proteins with improved nutritional quality and reduced or negative allergenicity for human and animal consumption through genetic engineering.

Supplementary Information

Patent Number: US7399597B2
Application Number: US200599856A
Inventor: Sun, Samuel Sai Man | Chen, Daming
Priority Date: 6 Apr 2004
Priority Number: US7399597B2
Application Date: 6 Apr 2005
Publication Date: 15 Jul 2008
IPC Current: A61K003600 | C07K000100 | C07K001400 | C07K001437 | C07K001600 | C07K001700 | G01N003353
US Class: 4350071 | 530350 | 530370
Assignee Applicant: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title: Epitope identification and modification for reduced allergenic activity in proteins targeted for transgenic expression
Usefulness: Epitope identification and modification for reduced allergenic activity in proteins targeted for transgenic expression
Summary: The modified protein is useful in preparing animal food (claimed) or for producing dietary proteins with improved nutritional quality and reduced or negative allergenicity for human and animal consumption through genetic engineering.
Novelty: New modified protein of a methionine- or cysteine-rich protein having at least one epitope binding to human IgE comprising arginine, useful in producing dietary proteins with improved nutritional quality



Sub Group

Medical Composition

Application No.



Inventor(s): Professor SUN Samuel, Department of Biology

Patent Status: US Patent Pending


Hong Kong

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