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Monchhichi was introduced in 1974 by the Japanese Company “Sekiguchi”Since 1974 many Monchhichi have found good homes all over the world, and are loved by kids, parents and grandparents alike.Monchhichi has been sold over 70,000,000 pcs and still loved all over the world even today. [Detail]
正如一碗好面条该要筋道一样,巧巧个性是属于强悍一类的。她的能力同样十分杰出,表面凶凶的,事实关心每个队员。只是她过于傲慢和武断,爱将自己的想法强加于别人,但是她的决定并不一定都是正确的,有时独断专行很容易会将团体带入困境。"Mighty". She is undoubtedly powerful, in both kungfu and personality. She considers herself as leader, and strongly pushes everyone forward. But she is arrogance、subjectivism and arbitrari..... [Detail]
他总是自诩低调,其实却是个极度自恋,张狂的家伙,而且非常自以为是。作为碳烤大虾,他的红色虾壳,的确坚硬无比,刀枪不入。不过他有个致命的弱点,极度惧怕榴莲的味道,这可就糟了。He always praises himself as low-profile, but actually he is extremely narcissistic, and a madcap guy, very self-righteous.Being a Grilled Lobster, his red shell is very hard and achillean. But he has a fatal weakn..... [Detail]
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