Color liquid crystal displays (LCD) are usually made by putting color filters onto the individual pixels. These color filters are resins with color pigments. Full color displays can be made by a combination of the red, green and blue primary colors. This coloring scheme is the predominant technology.....
Transient high voltages can induce harmful currents and voltages in electronic circuits and electric equipment. Overvoltage protection materials and devices have been developed which aim to protect such electronic and electrical equipment from these transient high voltages. Conventional protection m.....
In traditional mobile streaming networks such as 3G cellular networks, all users pull streams from one server. Such pull model leads to high streaming cost and problem in system scalability. Nowadays, many mobile devices can connect to each other and exchange data through some free secondary wireles.....
Display is a large yet still rapidly expanding market, especially for flat-panel display which is tremendously important and will soon become a dominating segment of the display industry. However, current liquid crystal display types: transmissive LCD and reflective LCD are having serious problems w.....
The present invention presents the construction of electrodes for liquid-crystal cells using metal-induced laterally crystallized (MILC) polycrystalline silicon (Poly-Si), and the integration of these electrodes in the construction of thin-film transistors. MILC poly-Si. This is shown to possess ad.....
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