A new bistable liquid crystal display (LCD) is invented. It has many advantages over existing bistable LCDs, such as low voltage operation, permanent bistability, and fast switching. It can be used in smart cards and in low power applications. LCDs that are truly bistable under zero voltage bias a.....
Existing methods for detection of pathogens at ultra-low concentration are usually time-consuming. This is mainly due to the lack of general and satisfactory assay that could detect bacteria at concentrations A protocol is now invented, making detection of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria w.....
Bacillus subtilis has been widely used for extracellular production of native and homologous proteins. Based on the use of a synthetic expression/secretion cassette, a new bacterial expression system is developed and may be applied to produce heterologous proteins efficiently as secreted products. .....
Conventionally, capacitor-free low dropout regulators (LDO) need a minimum load current to stabilize voltage regulators in normal operation. This minimum load current requirement is a major obstacle to applying capacitor-free LDO regulators in System-on-Chip (SoC) applications. Moreover, most of the.....
An apparatus and system for automatically placing of RFID antennas and method for obtaining a readable region for passive RFID Tags is disclosed. The Apparatus and System include a Portable and Adjustable Mounting Framework (PAMF) with built in chain belt for holding the RFID antennas, an Antenna Po.....
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