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如其名號,長的就像一團白色的泡沫,一樣是躲貓貓的高手!一緊張就害羞到躲了起來,偶爾也是會遇見他們成群結隊的出現在你生活周遭,張大眼睛瞧瞧,牠們到底躲在生活中的哪個角落呢?You for sure know why the name comes! He looks just like bubble foam and also good at hide and seek. He is so shy and hidden somewhere nobody can find. If you are lucky, you will see a gathering of them showing up a..... [更多]
無奈熊(Munai Kuma)總是一臉無奈的熊熊,其實擁有一顆善良的心,認真的生活,體會人生,他深深地明白,雖然生活總是會遇到無奈的事情,但仍然要抱持著希望, 人生可以無奈,但不能無謂。Despite his gloomy appearance, Munai Kuma is full of compassion; living life earnestly. He understands that although life may not always be as we wish, we must still remain hopeful. Life may be full of adver..... [更多]
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