The new principle of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum uses a radar-based approach for the contactless monitoring and characterization of the plasma state in real time. [更多]
Method of 3D-Printing of cell-containing hydrogel structures with high geometrical complexity. [更多]
This invention describes a process and a device for the production of double-face knitted fabrics using a double plating technique. Three threads are fed simultaneously to the knitting machine, with the third thread passing through both levels, where it is tied alternately into the stitches [更多]
Tags: plating
An invention with a prototype for the detection of the concentration and agglomeration of magnetic nanoparticles in cordage at the site of their use. [更多]
A 3D-Printed Biomimetic Tumour Angiogenesis Model [更多]
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