A strain sensor (10) for measuring strain greater than 10%, the sensor (10) comprising: an upper polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate (20) having measurement electrodes (90) extending therethrough; a lower PDMS substrate (30) bonded to a lower surface of the upper PDMS substrate (20), and an upper ..... [更多]
本发明涉及一种养颜中药制剂及其制备方法,该制剂对胃肠燥热、脾气虚所至便秘、月经不调等症具有保健和治疗功能。该制剂是由芦荟、薏苡仁、蒺藜、牡丹皮、白芷、益母草等原料药制成的。本发明所述的制备方法是将芦荟、薏苡仁、蒺藜、牡丹皮、白芷醇提2次,合并醇提液,冷藏,滤过,滤液备用。除珍珠粉外,益母草等其余4味分次加水煎煮,合并煎煮液,浓缩,醇沉,冷藏,滤过。滤液和上述芦荟等醇提液合并,回收乙醇,减压干燥,粉碎成细粉,和珍珠粉混合后,加入适量辅料,混匀,干压制粒,即制得本发明药物的活性组分。 [更多]
The present invention disclosed a foot massage apparatus which comprises: a housing; a pair of replaceable footprint plates with holes arranged according to a particular foot massage pattern, which are placed on an upper plate of the housing; protrusions protruding from the holes of each replaceable..... [更多]
The utility model relates to a lens used for improving the diffraction efficiency of a blue-ray disc and a China high definition disc, which comprises a first lens surface (1) and a second lens surface (2), wherein the first lens surface is a free curved surface, and the second lens surface is an as..... [更多]
一种高精度光纤布喇格光栅传感器,其中气体吸收谱线用作动态波长频率基准以便连续校准激光光源的波长。所述光纤布喇格传感器包括:将来自激光器的光分为两束的光纤定向耦合器;让所述光线的一部分通过的气体单元;用于监控通过所述气体单元的光线以便确定气体吸收谱线(并因此确定光的波长)的第一光探测器;用于监控从布喇格光栅反射回来的另一部分光线并确定波长的第二光探测器;和用于同时接收来自两个光探测器的信号的计算机。 [更多]
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