Breastin is a cold patented extract isolated from nerium oleander. It can be used for breast, colon, lung and prostate adenocarcinoma.
a DNA-encoded substance library for drug screening with a novel encoding approach that allows previously unfeasible chemical reactions that massively broadens the diversity of producible molecules.
a DNA-encoded substance library for drug screening with a novel encoding approach that allows previously unfeasible chemical reactions that massively broadens the diversity of producible molecules.
The invention relates to coils for the EMU and a method for their production, wherein the current- carrying bobbin is made additive by processes of rapid prototyping (laser melting, etc.). This allows a quick adaption to any compley geometry.
A novel treatment of Alzheimer´s disease based on an antibody against the NITRATED form of Amyloid-beta42, thus avoiding the side effects that have been observed in other approaches.
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