Skyrmionen are stable topological vortices in magnetization. With SkyeMem, a completely new type of digital memory can be realized. Since skyrmions are very small and yet stable, storage densities above levels currently availabel for hard disks are possible. Also, high read speeds can be achieved. S..... [更多]
The adaptive line enhancers (ALE) principle uses the smart adaptive enhancer with a single input signal, that is disturbed, taking into account not only the amplitude but also the phase of the disturbance, which allows a distortion- free reduction of the noise component. [更多]
The self-climbing SMART platform for the maintenance of wind turbines with its multifunctional climbing robot and its weatherproof encapsulated working platform enables extensive application possibilities for the maintenance, repair and repair of rotor blades on wind turbines. [更多]
The self-climbing SMART platform for the maintenance of wind turbines with its multifunctional climbing robot and its weatherproof encapsulated working platform enables extensive application possibilities for the maintenance, repair and repair of rotor blades on wind turbines. [更多]
Small molecules for selective elimination of contaminating pluripotent stem cells from cultures of their differentiated Derivatives. [更多]
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