Lead Inventors: Ioannis Kymissis, Ph. D., Kenneth Shepard, Ph. D., Haig NorianProblem or Unmet Need:Current microfluidic CMOS lab-on-chip systems often struggle with issues of limited durability. Physical damage and electrical shorting are frequent due to the fragile nature of the exposed active are..... [更多]
Thisinvention describes the use of a responsive hydrogel-based material as acarrier system for in situ deliveryof various bioactive moieties, including small molecules, biomolecules,biomacromolecules (including, but not limited to polysaccharides, glycosaminoglycans,proteins), and cells. The novel c..... [更多]
A mouse transgeinc line overexpressing Prohibitin in the liver and macrophages. This results in the spontaneous development of liver disease and liver cancer. [更多]
BackgroundTraditional methods used to determine theinvolvement of a specific amino acid or group of amino acids to a protein’s structure,stability or function, are alanine scanning or random mutagenesis.  However, these approaches are significantlylimited in accessing a residues contribution. With a..... [更多]
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