The life-saving strategy that we propose is based on the use of blood Glu scavenging agents for the treatment acute neurodegenerative conditions in which the excess Glu present in the brain interstitial fluid is thought to trigger neuronal cell death and its accompanying neuropathological sequelae. ..... [更多]
Monoclonal antibodies for Isoflavones, leukotrienes, biotin and human and veterinary drugs May be used for monitoring drug additives in food providing animals for veterinary use and for the food industry.Isoflavones:- 155 – Monoclonal antibody to 7-(O)-carboxymethyl formononetinDescription: 7-(O)-ca..... [更多]
Monoclonal antibodies for Isoflavones, leukotrienes, biotin and human and veterinary drugs May be used for monitoring drug additives in food providing animals for veterinary use and for the food industry.Isoflavones:- 155 – Monoclonal antibody to 7-(O)-carboxymethyl formononetinDescription: 7-(O)-ca..... [更多]
Root phenotypic plasticity is a major factor allowing plants to adapt to their ever changing environment. Although this fundamental issue is of great agricultural importance, studying root plasticity is highly complex due to their hidden nature. We present an automatic system for monitoring root gro..... [更多]
Root phenotypic plasticity is a major factor allowing plants to adapt to their ever changing environment. Although this fundamental issue is of great agricultural importance, studying root plasticity is highly complex due to their hidden nature. We present an automatic system for monitoring root gro..... [更多]
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