本發明涉及非接觸式關鍵生理參數的遙感測量,如血壓、血壓變化率、心電圖、血氧飽和度、呼吸頻率、心率和心率變化率等。利用該裝置進行生理參數測量時傳感器或探頭無需與人體直接接觸,因此該裝置的適用範圍較傳統的接觸式測量更爲廣泛,幷可集成在日常生活輔助設施中,如浴缸、床和座椅上以及特殊應用環境下,如駕駛員的座位上或機艙座椅上等。該裝置操作簡單,易于使用,幷且在生理參數測量時不會幹擾使用者的活動,可爲使用者提供安全且經濟實用的無損式生理參數的實時連續監測。 [更多]
小型莫尔效应人体扫描仪提供一个人体的三维图像用于制作合体的服装。该扫描仪包括一个细长的投影单元,其中的照相光栅用于照射人体。细长的成像单元有位在投影单元旁边的第二照相光栅,和一个用于获取人体图像的数码相机。扫描仪一般地约长400mm、高400mm、宽150mm,能在正常室内光照条件下使用。 [更多]
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. The motivation of this invention comes from the fact that the currently standard diagnosis methods, Pap smear and colposcopy, produce poor diagnostic accuracy and are not cost-effective. The primary goals of this invention are (1) ..... [更多]
The utility model relates to a touch sensor, which comprises means for receiving the external pressure of the fluid bag is deformed; disposed in the fluid on the package for the deformation of the fluid packet is converted to the change in resistance of the conductive lines; and for measuring the re..... [更多]
The present invention relates to a novel method of preparing chitosan nanoparticles. The method uses nano empty technology so as to simply get pure chitosan nanoparticles and pure emulsion of the chitosan nanoparticles. [更多]
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