The universal rate control scheme can be adapted to various transuding purposes including real-time video transcoding. A new rate-distortion (RD) model is established for better characterization of the real RD feature of transcoding. A level-window rate control (WRC) algorithm is proposed for provid..... [更多]
SiteWatcher is an effective and efficient service for both enterprise users and end-users to timely and proactively detect phishing. It can automatically, accurately, and immediately verify if a given URL points to a phishing webpage and locate the legitimate webpage (its phishing target) it is atta..... [更多]
The novel technology described here is capable of capturing the audio and video contents of mobile devices and replay them in a second larger display equipped with audio and video inputs. If the second larger display is a 3D display, the captured video content will be automatically converted into 3D..... [更多]
The relational database and the XML markup language are the core technologies for enabling data exchange while preserving data persistence, but no complete solution for bridging the two exists as yet. Enterprises currently need to develop software specifically for interfacing these two key technolog..... [更多]
The invention relates to fast processing techniques designed for enhancing the pictorial contents of digital holograms, without the need to reconstruct the original 3D scene. The hologram is back-projected to a hypothetical 2D image known as virtual diffraction plane (VDP). The VDP is then processed..... [更多]
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