本发明涉及变压器故障气体监测系统及方法,采用油气分离装置(100)和包括分布反馈式激光器(206)的光纤气体传感器(200)。油气分离装置(100)将变压器中的故障气体分离到气室(104);光纤气体传感器(200)中的分布反馈式激光器(206)的输出光传至气室(104)中的光纤气体传感头(201),再送至光探测器(202)作光电转换,然后再送到带通滤波器(203)进行滤波及放大,再输入到FPGA(204)和工控机(208)进行分析进而对变压器状况做出判断。本发明的系统及方法可以使多个不同的气体传感头共用同一套光源和检测系统,实现低成本、多点、多种气体的同时测量。 [更多]
A bone reposition device includes first and second bone supports for supporting first and second portions of a fracture or osteotomize bone about a fracture or osteotomize site, a plurality of sequentially connected connection members and a plurality of joints each with at least a pair of adjacent p..... [更多]
The present invention can be obtained in a relatively mild conditions to high speed, high selective catalytic carbonylation of methanol to acetic acid, methyl acetate, acetic anhydride carbonylation catalyst. Method is to design the molecular structure of the catalyst, methanol carbonylation reactio..... [更多]
The invention relates to a resonant switched capacitor direct current voltage converter which comprises a first voltage node, a second voltage node, a first switch, a second switch, a first diode, a sThe invention relates to a resonant switched capacitor direct current voltage converter which compri..... [更多]
本发明涉及一种制备L-肉碱的方法,其包括如下步骤;步骤1(如图)步骤2(如图)其中,步骤1采用不对称催化氢化反应,步骤2采用相转移反应、碱性催化剂和低温反应条件,从而大大提高了产物L-肉碱的收率,总收率高达70% [更多]
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