An invention with a prototype for the detection of the concentration and agglomeration of magnetic nanoparticles in cordage at the site of their use. [更多]
Poultry feather protein which is indigestable converted to digestable protein using eco-friendly method (enzymes), and utilized in replacing the imported protein in poultry ration formula [更多]
Corallopyronin A is a new antibiotic in filarial and dirofilarial infections with a new mode of action resulting in fewer adverse reaction and unlikelyness of resistances development. [更多]
Corallopyronin A is a new antibiotic in filarial and dirofilarial infections with a new mode of action resulting in fewer adverse reaction and unlikelyness of resistances development. [更多]
Corallopyronin A is a new antibiotic in filarial and dirofilarial infections with a new mode of action resulting in fewer adverse reaction and unlikelyness of resistances development. [更多]
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