-Potential therapeutics for a wide range of disorders that require enhancement of α7 nAChR. -The compounds can be formulated in a variety means to suit the pharmaceutical needs. [更多]
There are currently no treatments for VCP-associated neurodegenerative diseases and patients are dying early from respiratory failure related to muscle weakness. These AONs may become the first therapies to treat VCP diseases like IBMPFD and fALS. [更多]
MDS code with progressive engagement can be reused without changing entire code structure and content of existing nodes. Reduces the repair bandwidth by engaging more nodes Allows for adding new storage nodes without changing content of existing nodes [更多]
• Efficiently combines radiotherapy and cosmetic restoration in one procedure • Simplified and less expensive dosimetry • Less painful and emotionally upsetting than currently available similar treatments (repeated insertions of radioactive rods and placement of multiple radioactive seeds) • Reduce..... [更多]
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