As an illustration of possible applications, described below is one practical example of ESP processing of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (MR-DTI) data. DTI data is often used for neural fiber tractography in the studies of brain connectivity. This is a complex and severely ill-posed pr..... [更多]
High level of control over shapes, sizes, features, color and fluorescenceMassively parallel high throughput production of particlesComplex multi-layer 3D shapes and customizable internal compositionsAbility to tailor functional surface groups to control stability and interactions [更多]
The following figure illustrates a small subset of the DBLP database in the form of a labeled graph (author, conference, and year nodes except for "R. Agrawal," "ICDE," and "ICDE 1997" respectively, are omitted to simplify the figure). The weights on edges represent the authority flow through th..... [更多]
Tags: Other
University researchers have developed a density gradient multilayer polymerization (DGMP) method to fabricate multicompartment hydrogels. The technique is accessible, versatile, and facilitates control of discrete, as well as continuously graduated, mechanical and chemical interfaces within structur..... [更多]
Potential advantages from molecularly engineering linear dual-response mechanisms into the backbone of polymeric nanoparticles include enhanced stability and prolonged shelf life, while also increasing the response sensitivity and efficacy of targeted delivery to diseased environments. In addition, ..... [更多]
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