The utility model provides a caution board including a rating plate, a luminous caution device, an acoustic caution device and a caution control unit. The utility model has the advantages that the caution board with an audible-visual device has a simple structure, and is easy to identify and availab.....
The invention relates to a resonant switched capacitor direct current voltage converter which comprises a first voltage node, a second voltage node, a first switch, a second switch, a first diode, a sThe invention relates to a resonant switched capacitor direct current voltage converter which compri.....
The invention relates to regulate lipid levels herbal preparations. The invention includes a method for preparing the herbal preparation and their use.
《誦詩識字》系列 富兒童文學色彩的詩歌,易誦易記,幫助兒童牢記字音;通過詩歌展現的情境和書中插圖,孩子可以初步理解字義;是以,透過邊讀、邊看、邊想,字的形音義就連起來了。 《誦詩識字練習》以活動、遊戲形式介紹漢字的起源、由來、造字的特點,及部首共39個,透過字帶字,兒童進一步掌握認字的方法,增強自學能力。兒童初步掌握漢字的構字原理(象形、指事、會意、形聲、轉注、假借) ;漢子的結構性(上下組合左右組合)後,反覆練習,對認讀、默寫生字很有幫助,也減少使用錯別字的機會。 作者/Author: 何巧嬋出版社/Publisher: 青田教育中心
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