Asia IP Exchange is a one-stop-shop for players in the IP industry, facilitating IP trade and connection to the IP world. Whether you are a patent owner interested in selling your IP, or a manufacturer looking to buy technologies to upgrade your operation, you will find the portal a useful resource.
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Low cost multi-beam, multi-band and multi-diversity antenna systems and methods for wireless communications [Detail]
微機電致動裝置 [Detail]
用於無線自組網路或個域網的分散式智慧調度補償優化(DISCO)的系統和方法 [Detail]
使用單個無線網路適配器在多個無線網路之間無縫漫遊的方法 [Detail]
具有高速自動上行鏈路和下行鏈路檢測的無線局域網時分雙工中繼系統 [Detail]
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Life Science Disease: Cancer Antibody screening Engineering/ Computer Science Cancer materials chemicals Software Research Tools wireless Research Tool Engineering Electronics Diagnostics Devices Nanotechnology physical science therapeutic Oncology Polymers Technology Transfer Office: Patents medical Therapeutics electrical engineering none Biotechnology Health Other imaging
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