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It introduces methods of screening, identifying and isolating HMG-CoAR inhibitors. In particular, said method is useful for screening natural raw products. It also provides potent HMG-CoAR inhibitors for treatment and prevention of diseases and conditions associated with elevated cholesterol and/or ..... [Detail]
This invention relates to an aqueous diphase solvent system for high-purity polysaccharides separation and purification. The present invention also provides methods for purifying polysaccharide in natural products. [Detail]
It introduces a novel pharmacological use of Quercetin, which are abundantly presented in fruit, vegetables, herbs, and foodstuffs. It is effective in treating or preventing enterochromaffin (EC) cell hyperplasia-related diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IB..... [Detail]
The invention relates to compounds comprising quercetin and morin as potential vascular protective drugs for menopausal patients. [Detail]
市民大眾經常暴露在形形色色、不同濃度的環境污染物之中, 其中無所不在、惡名遠揚的二噁英,是一類氯代含氧三環烴化合物,共包含二百一十種同系物,劇毒無比。二噁英主要來自於製藥、其它工業的加工生產、城市垃圾焚化及車輛排放等等。這類型的污染物具環境滯溜性,並能在生物體內積存及引發癌症。環境污染治理是防止二噁英危害市民的有效手段,同時,製作二噁英拮抗物質用於預防中毒, 亦是減輕或甚至消除二噁英對人體健康危害的有效途徑。本發明涉及一種新穎靛藍衍生物及其提取方法,以及其作為二噁英拮抗劑在腫瘤預防中的應用。 [Detail]
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