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一头红色鱼鳍。擅使一把豆角刀,刀中藏有暗器,一拍刀身,里面豆子暗器飞出伤人。性格暴躁易怒,喜出风头,有事就将手下往上顶,爱骂手下,动不动就说“我拔光你的鱼鳍”。不服输,常常自作聪明,弄巧成拙。他的口头禅:所有失败的耻辱都已抛入历史的泥沼,因为我们的矢志不渝,我们悲剧海盗团,终于成功抢劫一回了。He has red fin, and uses a bean blade, which has concealed weapon inside. When hitting the blade, the beans inside would fly out to hurt people.He is irr..... [Detail]
他还不会说,作为一个未成年的孩子他太调皮淘气了,也像所有的孩子一样活力无限,总是跑来跑去,动这动那,没有半刻消停。这么小的孩子当然没法保护自己,然而饺子斗斗又似乎天生能抵御任何伤害,再大的危险也不能伤他分毫,也许斗斗身上还有很多未知等待我们开发。He doesn’t know how to speak, just like all other babies, he is naughty and active, like to run and jump. He cannot protect himself, but it seems that he has the nature to defen..... [Detail]
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