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除了時態(Tense)外,被動式(Passive Voice)也是英文中最重要的必學文法之一。25年英語教學經驗導師深入淺出,有系統地教你一生必學的英文文法中英對照教學,配合趣味練習,適合學生及想自我增值的成年人閱讀!作者 / Author: 蔡展強出版社 / Publisher: 超媒體有限公司 [Detail]
A treasure trove of science facts for those little curious minds 

These new books explore the scientific principles behind the day-to-day happenings 
around us. Each book is filled with over a hundred fun facts—everything from why milk
boils…why Eskimos 作者/Author: Asli Kaplan出版社/Publisher: Nile Pub..... [Detail]
A Selection of Criteria for Belief, Thought, and Life Concise and articulate, this collection of maxims reflects a lifetime of knowledge surrounding the Qur'an. Presenting an Islamic understanding of God's oneness, morality, and philosophy, this anthology [Detail]
A Selection of Criteria for Belief, Thought, and Life Concise and articulate, this collection of maxims reflects a lifetime of knowledge surrounding the Qur'an. Presenting an Islamic understanding of God's oneness, morality, and philosophy, this anthology作者/Author: Bediuzzaman Said Nursi出版社/Publishe..... [Detail]
《水滸傳》是中國古典四大名著之一,它是一部以傳奇的筆法描寫梁山英雄聚眾起義的故事。故事發生在北宋徽宗時期,以宋江為首的108名好漢在水泊梁山聚義、打家劫舍、殺富濟貧。這108名好漢中,個個都有一段精彩的故事,人人都有一個特徵鮮明的性格,如勇武豪爽的武松、嫉惡如仇的魯智深,憨直魯莽的李逵、剛烈正直的林沖等等。親愛的小讀者,你準備好了嗎?讓我們一起去結識這些英雄人物吧!書後設置豐富的語文練習題、趣味小遊戲,讓小讀者在輕鬆開心玩遊戲的同時鞏固故事內容,提升語文閱讀及寫作的能力!作者/Author: 施耐庵出版社/Publisher: Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd [Detail]
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