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Efficient Person Search Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Networks在點對點網絡有效尋找人的機制

A structured overlay using in Pastry is efficient to search for unique items and is applied in our study. However, since all items are treated equally in structured overlays, the search time for popular people (such as the ones in the hot list) cannot be fast based on Pastry. We therefore propose a scheme which makes use of the user's hot list to form the routing table for the search phase, leading to faster search time for the ones a user calls often.

Furthermore, by intelligently assigning nodeIDs to peers, peers of the same domain can be close to each other in the overlay search graph. Due to access locality within a domain, the search goes to a domain first before the person is located. This greatly reduces search time. Simulation shows that the search time for our approach is much faster than the traditional Pastry (by as much as 50%).
Technology Benefits
1. Shorter people searching time
2. More efficient algorithms
Technology Application
- Structured overlay in P2P network
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US8055788B1
Application Number: US2006562103A
Inventor: Chan, Gary Shueng Han | Lei, Vanessa Meng I | Fan, Patrick Chun Sing | Kwok, Marvin Yuk Kit | Lau, Reeve Kit Wah | Lee, Ivan Ka Wai
Priority Date: 21 Nov 2005
Priority Number: US8055788B1
Application Date: 21 Nov 2006
Publication Date: 8 Nov 2011
IPC Current: G06F0015173
US Class: 709238 | 709239 | 709240 | 709242 | 709243 | 709244
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Efficient person search mechanism in peer-to-peer networks
Usefulness: Efficient person search mechanism in peer-to-peer networks
Novelty: Network architecture for locating unique item, has several peer-to-peer (P2P) devices which couple together via network and includes local routing table to provide routing for individual person to make contact with other persons
Sub Category
Application Date
21 Nov 2006
Application No.
US 11/562103
Patent Information
US 8055788
ID No.
Hong Kong

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