WiMDaD Wire Mesh Damage Detection
- 总结
- Comprehensive damage detection in composite materials
- 技术优势
- Cost effective
High temporal resolution
Continuous measurement
Early detection of damage
- 技术应用
- WiMDaD is a measuring system which can be used especially in large-area parts made out of a composite material
- 详细技术说明
- WiMDaD is a novel, continuous measuring method which is particularly suitable for large-scale applications such as Wind turbine blade is suitable. The sonsor consists of a network of wires whose breaking behavior corresponds to that of the fibers in the composite material. The cross points are connected via diodes. An electronic evaluation unit can switch electrical paths via specific diodes, so that if a line breaks, the defective section can be identified.
- 合作类型
- Licensing
- 申请日期
- 15/03/2016 00:00:00
- 申请号码
- DE201610104725 20160315
- 分类
- - international:
G01B7/16; G01M5/00; G01N27/02
- cooperative:
G01L1/205; G01L1/225; G01L1/2287
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID号码
- 4585
- 国家/地区
- 德国

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