Food Quality Control
- 总结
- Culture medium for yeasts with high osmotic tolerance for use in accelerated food quality control.
- 技术优势
- Expedite food quality control
Enhanced quality of sugar containing food
- 技术应用
- Food industry is seeking for strategies to enhance production throughput in order to reduce costs. One bottleneck is the subsequent quality control analysis of each production charge. This invention expedites this process and is therefore of interest for contract analytic labs as well as for food production companies.
- 详细技术说明
- The herewith presented invention contributes to troubleshooting by a culture medium that strongly enhances growth activity of the yeasts. This reduces the time needed for quality analysis and allows an earlier delivery of the respective food production charge with higher freshness and quality.
- 合作类型
- Licensing
- 申请日期
- 09/09/2016 00:00:00
- 申请号码
- EP20160763513 20160909
- 分类
- - international:
C12N1/00; C12N1/16
- cooperative:
- 其他
- Patent application
- ID号码
- 4359
- 国家/地区
- 德国
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