Solvent-assisted Dyeing of Cotton Fibre – A Laboratory-scale Study
- 总结
- This project explored a textiles dyeing process using organic solvent as a major dyeing medium. The process could significantly reduce the consumption of large amount of water and chemicals as in traditional aqueous dyeing process. Besides, the organic solvent could be recycled and reused. The process could be applied to the materials like linen, silk, wool, and nylon. The fabric dyed in this process, comparing with traditional aqueous dyeing process, shows good colour fastness and similar hand feel.
- 技术优势
- - Using organic solvent instead of water as medium for textile dyeing process.
- Largely reduce water consumption and chemical waste production.
- dyeing without using salt and solvent could be recycled and reused.
- Applicable to materials such as cotton, linen and silk.
- 申请日期
- 1. 09/03/2016
2. 09/03/2016
- 申请号码
- 1. 201610118947.1
2. PCT/CN2016/075832
- 覆盖范围
- Dyeing & Finishing
Textile Fabric
Environmental Protection Sustianability
- 专利信息
- 1. Patent filed/China
2. Patent filed/PCT
- 国家/地区
- 中国内地
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