- 总结
- For measuring strain in one direction within the plane of the fabric strain sensor (10), said sensor (10) comprising: a substrate coated on the elastic fabric (30) on the conductive particles or fibers and a mixture of the elastomer matrix (20).
- 附加资料
- Inventor: TAO, Xiao-ming | ZHANG, Hui | WANG, Guang-feng | WANG, Yang-yong
Priority Number: CN101598529B
IPC Current: G01B000716 | D06N000300 | G01L000122
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Title: Method for manufacturing fabric strain sensors | Method for preparing fabric strain sensor.
Usefulness: Method for manufacturing fabric strain sensors | Method for preparing fabric strain sensor.
Novelty: Fabric composite strain sensor for measuring in-plane unidirectional strain, comprises mixture of electrically conductive particles or fibers, and elastomer matrix, provided on elastic fabric substrate
- 主要类别
- 纺织/服装
- 细分类别
- 织品工程
- 其他
- TAO Xiao Ming
WANG Guang Feng
WANG Yang Yong
- 国家/地区
- 中国内地

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