- Summary
- a DNA-encoded substance library for drug screening with a novel encoding approach that allows previously unfeasible chemical reactions that massively broadens the diversity of producible molecules.
- Technology Benefits
- Handling of large encoded compound screening libraries: tiDELs
Access to biologically relevant chemical space that is inaccessible by conventional DNA-encoded libraries: encoded natural product- and drug-derived compound classes
Efficient and rapid screening on target proteins by selection
Extremely reduced costs in comparison to conventional high-throughput screening
Accelerated identification of starting points for drug development programs
- Technology Application
- The TIDEC platform technology and the tiDEL screening library are offered to pharma-companies, biotech companies, and non-profit organizations for drug identification and development programs.
- Detailed Technology Description
- TiDEC addresses this severe
limitation. TiDEC exploits the stability
of oligopyrimidine adapter sequences
to a large variety of reaction
conditions, and reagents such as
transition metal catalysts and acidic
organocatalysts. Thus, TiDEC
enables efficient access to diverse
heterocyclic structures conjugated to
oligopyrimidine sequences from
simple and readily available starting
materials by a large variety of
catalysts. These oligonucleotideheterocycle
conjugates are readily
ligated to coding DNA sequences.
- Type of Cooperation
- Licensing
- Application Date
- 20.12.2016
- Application No.
- EP20160823263 20161220
- Classes
- - international:
C07H21/00; C40B40/06
- cooperative:
- Others
- Patent application
- ID No.
- 4452
- Country/Region
- Germany

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